Blood is transportation organ in human body, that is transporting food essence and oxygen that then is circulated to the entire part of body cells.
Blood is body liquid that is found inside the heart and body vessels.
Blood has red color because it contains hemoglobin (Hb)
The volume of somebody’s blood is about 8 % of his body weight
Blood is composed of two components, namely liquid part called plasma and dense part called blood cells.
Plasma is the liquid part and has light yellow color in the blood. Plasma has function as transporter of gaseous, food remains of metabolism, and the various hormone that is required for vital function of cells in the body and has function also in blood freezing because contains fibrinogen.
Fibrinogen and prothrombin have function in blood freezing process. Globulin has function for formation of anti body
Anti body is a substance that can fight against disease germs of foreign objects entering the body
Serum is plasma that contain fibrinogen
Blood Cells
Blood cells is the cell that lives and it is 45 % of all the amount of the blood. Blood cells consists of red blood cells (erythrocyte), white blood cells (leucocyte), and thrombocyte
Red blood cells contains hemoglobin that has function to bound oxygen, white blood cell has function to protect body form disease germs, and thrombocyte has function in the blood freezing process
Red blood cells are the main part of blood cells because its amount is the most compared to another blood cells. The number of red blood cell in each mm3 of blood is about 5 billion grains
Red blood cell has shape of flat, biconcave, and has no core. Red blood cell is produced by liver, lymph, and in marrow of flat bone. Besides, the blood cell has red color because contains red color substance called hemoglobin
Hemoglobin consist of globin protein that makes combination with heme that has function to bounds oxygen is called oxyhemoglobin
Leucocyte has the following characteristics. Its shape is not fixed, colorless, has core, iet can move by amoeboid, and it can penetrate the blood vessel wall.
Based on its shape, the white blood cell is seperated into five kinds, those are neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil, monocyte, and lymphocyte. Neutrophil, eosinophil, and basophil are included into white blood cell of granulocyte (white blood that has no granula).
White blood cell is produced in red marrow, lymph, and lymph gland. White blood cell has phagocyte property, that is able to eliminate disease germs by eating them
Thrombocyte has characteristics as follows its shape is irregular, has no core, and its size smaller than red blood cell and white blood cell. Thrombocyte will be easily broken if makes contact with air or collided by rough plane. The thrombocyte has function to freeze blood if we hurt and releases blood. If there is bloody injury, thrombocyte will be broken and releases thrombokinanes/thromboplastin enzyme, then thrombokinanse enzyme with the aid of ion Ca2+ and vitamin K changes prothrombin to be trhombin. Then, thrombin changes fibrinogen to be fibrin (smooth thread to freeze blood)
- Transporting Oxygen
Blood has function to transport oxygen form lung to the heart and circulated to the entire part of body. And the contrary, transporting carbon dioxide form entire part of body of the lung. This function is done by red blood cell
- Transporting food essence
Blood has function to transport food essence form intestine to the entire part of body, transport excretion product form the entire part of body to excretion organ, and transport hormone form appendix gland to the part of the body. This function is done by plasma
- Regulating body temperature
Body temperature is regulated by blood by carrying heat form active body part to inactive body part so body temperature will keep stable
- Destroying disease germs
Blood particularly white blood cell can destroy disease germs by eating them (phagocytotic) or by forming anti body (body immunity)
- Preventing widening of injury
Blood particularly thrombocyte can cover injury by producing fibrin (smooth thread) that can freezr the blood
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